- Деталі
- Опубліковано: Вівторок, 16 липня 2019, 09:35
- Перегляди: 1084
Yashchenko L.
Pages: 277-285
Subject of research – innovation and investment activity of the food industry of Ukraine. The purpose of the work is to determine the most optimal amounts of financing for innovations in the food industry, which will increase the efficiency of domestic producers of food products, as well as substantiate the perspective vector of innovation products. Research methods. During the study, methods of statistical analysis and modeling were used, namely, a correlation-regression analysis for building an innovation-investment model of economic processes in the food industry based on data from the State Statistics Service of Ukraine. Novelty of research. The author's development is the adaptation of the methodology of correlation-regression analysis to the formation of an innovation-investment model of economic processes in the food industry, with the help of which it is reasonable to make sound management decisions regarding the directions of financing of innovations, the optimal amount of financing to ensure the profitability of enterprises at the desired level and to determine the perspective implementation vector innovative products. Research results. The investment-innovation model of the food industry's economic processes consists of 10 regression equations, the quality of which is confirmed by statistical estimates – the correlation coefficient, the significance level for Fisher's criterion and the significance level for the Student criterion. The obtained results indicate the appropriateness of using the model for making appropriate management decisions in the field of investment-innovation support of the food industry. This model provides an opportunity to reveal deep relationships between indicators and obtain additional information that is not available in the information base of the State Statistics Service on the effectiveness of investing domestic capital and foreign investment in various areas of financing. Based on the results of calculations, you can choose the most promising directions of investing, which will increase the profitability of activities, accelerate the processes of modernization in the food industry, and so on. Scope of results. The obtained results can be used in further scientific researches of actual problems of innovation and investment activity of food industry enterprises, while developing recommendations for state bodies of management.
Key words: food industry, innovation-investment model, regression equation, capital investments, foreign investments, financing of innovations, profitability of activity
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