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- Опубліковано: Вівторок, 16 липня 2019, 09:56
- Перегляди: 1096
Khomichak L., Shtanheieva N., Kuznietsova I., Vysotska S.
Pages: 161-167
New for the Ukrainian market is a product modified obtained from flour wheat. Changing the method of physical transformation promotes the receipt of a new modified wheat flour product and is relevant for the development of advanced technology. Methods and methods of research. The flour wheat was obtained from soft wheat Ascaniyske. The two ways of preparing the flour for modification were studied: the mixing before the preparation of the dough with a soft consistency and brewing. The standard sample for determining the qualitative indices is the industrial flour extruded wheat flour produced by LLC AS Group, LTD. Research results. The flour modified obtained from grain raw materials is a fine powder with a protein content (8.3-20.2%), a degree of swelling (up to 1: 6) and a fat-binding ability (up to 1: 8) and a low fat content. It's kinetic dependence shows that the brewed dough is dried faster for 1 hour and has a more fragile structure. The coefficients of approximation reliability for the test sample are 0.97 and the sample II is 0.99, which shows a stronger bond in the sample of the brewed dough between the degree of removal moisture from the flour and the duration of its drying. Application of thermal treatment softens the structure of plant tissue and partially leads to the destruction of starch granules. The swelling of the modified flour is the highest for the sample II and is 13 cm / g, while the control is 8.8 cm / g. It was noted that the obtained modified dough flour from the brewed dough has better quality indices than from the mixed one and meets the requirements for the organoleptic assessment compared to extruded wheat flour. Conclusions. The method of preparation wheat flour study of the drying showed positive results in the application of the method of brewing flour. This reduced the duration of drying for 1 year and allowed to get the product better than quality.
Key words: wheat, starch granules, swelling, modified flour
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