- Деталі
- Опубліковано: Вівторок, 16 липня 2019, 10:05
- Перегляди: 1092
Ryzhkova T., Danylenko S., Kopylova K.
Pages: 142-151
Goat's milk and products of its processing can be used for dietary and medical nutrition for all categories of the population. The assortment of products made from goat's milk is currently not significant. Goat milk as a raw material is mastered only partially. The comparative evaluation of physico-chemical parameters of goat and cow milk as a raw material for the dairy industry is carried out. The chemical composition of goat's milk depends on the breed and age of goats, the conditions of feeding and raising, the level of productivity and method of milking, the period of lactation and other factors. The distinguishing characteristics which differ goats milk from cow's milk are low titrated acidity, high dispersion of fatty balls and micellar casein, their greater reactivity to interacting with toxic elements and, as a result, the ability to concentrate more in products of goat's milk, as well as the presence the specific taste and smell of giropot of goats, which is a barrier to the consumer's perception of these products, requires the development and application of cheeses of new biotechnological approaches aimed at eliminating these disadvantages. The proportion of unsaturated fatty acids in goat's milk was 9% lower than in cow's milk. At the same time, no significant difference was found between the content of other fatty acids in milk from both animal species (p ≤ 0.95). Goat is milk contains more than 3% of serum proteins and 1% of non-protein nitrogenous compounds. The lower content of αs1-casein and α-lactalbumin in the milk proteins of goat milk is a positive sign, since these proteins are allergenic. On the other hand, the high content of β-casein and low content α-caseins is a technological problem in cheeses, as coagulation of proteins and the formation of high-quality bundles are complicated. Limit acids in goat's milk have not been established. A similar pattern was observed for cow's milk with the exception of one limiting acid – threonine. The results of the research have broadened existing knowledge on the composition and quality of goat milk produced in Ukraine.
Key words: goat and cow milk, amino and fatty acids, physico-chemical indicators
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