02. Scientific-innovative binomial as conceptual basis of technical perfection of designs of meat mincers and cutters
O. Batrachenko, S. Verbytskyi
Pages: 13-27
A considerable number of publications are devoted to the intensification of the creative process of obtaining new solutions in the field of technology. However, their in-depth analysis indicates a clear separation of scientific research and inventive activities. In our opinion, such an approach is extremely unproductive as for the development of technical systems and does not allow to obtain the most advanced solutions or significantly reduce the time for such decisions. Promoting solving complex tasks is not because of the lack of attempts to solve them, but because of the lack of new knowledge that would allow deeper and more accurately understand the causes of the task and discover new relationships between its parameters. The creation of new knowledge takes place precisely as a result of scientific research, but they do not answer the question «How has the advanced design of the technical system arose?». In the article for the solution of complex technical problems it is proposed to use the scientific-inventive bin, that is, the systematic interconnection of scientific research and methodological means of analysis and solution of technical contradictions, which is aimed at solving complex technical problems. Such an interconnected combination leads to the formation of synergy a disproportionately high increase in the efficiency of solving problems in comparison with the use of each of the components separately. Scientific-inventive bin can be used in the development of technical systems both in solving the direct and the inverse problem. The direct task involves an initial attempt to solve a technical problem by design means and the use of a tool for solving technical contradictions in the theory of solving inventive tasks. If the problem can not be solved by such means, the search is deadlocked. This means that you need to establish new knowledge about the process or phenomenon through research. After this, the repeated use of the toolkit for resolving technical contradictions allows us to obtain a new conceptual solution that further develops into a complete design whose work is researched and optimized by scientific means. The reverse problem arises at the outgoing research scientific research. Establishing new knowledge about the process and its thorough analysis allows us to identify new, previously unclear, technical contradictions. To solve them, use the appropriate tool for solving inventive tasks theory. The resulting new conceptual decision further transforms into a workable design whose work is optimized by scientific means analogously to a direct task. It is advisable to analyze the shortcomings and operating conditions of the system, using the provisions of functional and cost analysis. The approach proposed lets, among others, to make the new approach to the technological equipment, meat mincers and cutters belonging to.
Key words: development of technique, inventions, meat cutters, meat mincers, scientific research, scientific-innovative binomial
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