- Деталі
- Опубліковано: Понеділок, 05 листопада 2018, 11:13
- Перегляди: 970
03. Investigation of direct aromatic raw market used in the technologies of tomato souses
O. Benderska, А. Bessarab, N. Hrehirchak, А. Shikirawa
Pages: 28-33
The article analyzes the state of the market of sauces and finds that modern methods of expanding the range and measures to improve the quality of sauces put forward increased requirements for auxiliary materials – spice-aromatic raw materials. The qualitative composition of the microflora of spices is not yet sufficiently studied. Microbiological research in this area is of great practical importance, and mainly because of the addition of spices to foods, their bacterial contamination increases significantly. It has been established that spicy-aromatic raw material can be a large source of microbiological contamination of canned products, therefore, samples of spices used in the production of tomato sauces are selected as the subject of further analysis. At each stage of the research of the samples, the total bacterial amount, mold fungi and yeast, spore-forming bacteria of the group of E. coli, was monitored as an indicator of microbiological safety. In connection with the conducted research the basic methods of reduction of microbial contamination of spices have been analyzed and ways of solving this problem in technologies of tomato sauces are offered.
Key words: microbiology, tomato sauces, cinnamon, cumin, pepper, food technology
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