04. Mathematical model of work of a membrane hydraulically driven pump for foodstuffs dosing
I. Bernyk, V. Petrus
Pages: 34-40
This article discusses the use of different types of pumps for pumping and dosing of liquid food products or their constituents. An improved mathematical model of dynamics of hydraulically driven membrane pump working process is proposed, which will enable studies of the general laws of hydrodynamic processes in pump and hydraulic system as a whole, to solve common tasks for their calculation and design, take into account the type of pumping medium. Results of the solution of differential equations of the mathematical model derived in this article can be recommended for practical implementation in the form of analytical curves for the development of methods of calculation for the creation of new structures and hydraulic pumps to assess their effectiveness when pumping various media in the food industry.
Key words:food industry, hydraulic drive, membrane pump, pumpingmedium, mathematical model
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