- Деталі
- Опубліковано: Понеділок, 05 листопада 2018, 11:16
- Перегляди: 931
05. Bread prices and consumers’ purchasing power in Ukrainian and in the world
О. Bokiy
Pages: 41-48
The aim of the study was to investigate price situation in the market of bakery products. The conditions for the implementation of social bakery products in Ukrainian, the difference in prices for similar products in retail chains were considered. The dynamics of prices in the chain «grain - flour - bread» was studied, economic and organizational discrepancies were revealed. Prices for grain, flour, bread, their ratio in Ukrainian and other countries of the world were compared and analyzed. The price trends of bakery products after the abolition of state regulation were investigated. International comparisons of wages, bread prices consumers’ purchasing power (in terms of bread) have been conducted. The value added tax as an important price factor in Ukrainian and some other countries is considered. The basic levers of control of prices for bakery products, increasing the purchasing power of the population, including the «grain-flour-bread» resource saving measures at the process chain stations, optimization of production system of taxation, subsidy mechanism for bakery products as part of food subsidies for socially disadvantaged groups, investment-innovative production renewal, etc are unvealed.
Key words: bakery products, bread prices, purchasing power, taxation system, value added tax, social safety
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