- Деталі
- Опубліковано: Понеділок, 05 листопада 2018, 11:17
- Перегляди: 1326
06. Substantiation of formulations of value added pate products, intended for nutrition of children of preschool and school age
L. Borsolyuk, L. Voitsekhivska, O. Franko, T. Shelkova, S.B. Verbytskyi
Pages: 49-62
In order to enhance nutritional and biological value, preserve valuable components of raw materials, offset the lack of a number of macro- and micronutrients functional ingredients are added to meat products. To ensure the necessary poise of the fatty acid composition of functional meat products, vegetable raw materials are introduced into their formulations, in particular flour: linseed, rice, corn, sunflower, etc., as well as vegetable oils and their blends. It is determined that blends of vegetable oils are rational for preventive nutrition of pre-school and school-age children: 1st blend – corn and linseed oil in the ratio 85:15 and 2nd blend – sunflower and linseed oil in the ratio 90 : 10. It has been established that the use of sunflower, corn flour and their mixture increases the total protein and polyunsaturated fatty acids content in finished products and improves their structural and mechanical properties. The basic recipes for functional meat pates for feeding children of preschool and school age have been developed.
Key words: amino acid composition, blends of vegetable oils, childrens's nutrition, flour, functional meat products, pates, sunflower flour, vegetable oils
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