11. Complex indicator of quality of sugars and sugar substitutes and their use in the production of confectionery products 
A. Dorohovych, V. Dorohovych, L. Mazur, O. Pisarets
Pages: 88-100
The paper presents the results of calculation basing on fundamental principles of theoretical qualimetry, of the complex index of quality of sugars and sugar substitutes. When evaluating sugars according to the complex indicator, as the differential indicators sweetness, glycemic index, solubility, melting point, caloric content were selected these, having the greatest influence on the sensorial, technological and physiological parameters of sugar quality. When calculating the complex index of sugar substitutes, it was suggested to introduce three indicators: the heat dissolution, water activity and the degree of tolerance.in addition to the differential indicators that were used when evaluating the quality of sugars. According to the selected indicators, their values having transformed into a 10-point scale, profilograms were constructed. Formulas for calculating the complex quality index were developed taking into account the validating factors of each indicator determined by the Delphi method. The calculation of the complex index of sugars quality showed a significant advantage of tagatose and the expediency of its use to manufacture confectionery products. The calculation of the complex index of quality of sugar substitutes showed that the highest score had erythritol, which determined the expediency of its use in the manufacture of confectionery products with dietary function. The calculation showed the following values of the complex index of sugars’ quality –  sucrose, glucose, fructose, maltose, lactose, tagatose, trehalose: 0.53, 0.46, 0.72, 0.44, 0.26, 0.81, 0.44, 0.47 respectively, and sugar substitutes – sorbitol, xylitol, isomaltotol, maltitol, erythritol, lactitol: 0.34, 0.42, 0.37, 0.47, 0.86, 0. 37 respectively. The article describes the sorption-desorption properties of various groups of confectionery products using sugars and sugar substitutes.
Key words: theoretical qualimetry, complex index, Delphi method, differential indicators, sugar, sugar substitutes
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