12. Use of sesame flour in the production of wheat bread 
V. Drobot, Yu. Bondarenko, O. Bilyk, A. Grishchenko 
Pages: 101-110
In order to expand the range of bakery products with healing properties, formulation it is recommended to use sesame flour in a quantity of up to 10% by weight of flour in the form of wheat bread. More sufficient dosage of sesame flour predetermines the specific aroma and taste of the finished products and a significant decrease in their volume and porosity. It has been established in the case of sesame flour that in order to obtain the best quality of products, it is advisable to use a dough preparation on a dispersed phase or oven. It is proved that the products with the addition of sesame flour better retain freshness, which is confirmed by a decrease in lid, an increase in the general deformation of the crumb, and also contain more aromatic compounds than bread from wheat flour. Due to the content of such valuable physiological-functional ingredients as unsaturated fatty acids, protein-balanced amino acids, lignans, minerals and food fibers, of sesame seeds sesame flour bread can be recommended for nutrition for persons with diseases of the cardiovascular system, digestive organs, as well as with a preventive purpose of a wide range of consumers.
Key words: wheat bread, sesame flour, dispersed phase, chestnut, unsaturated fatty acids
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