- Деталі
- Опубліковано: Понеділок, 05 листопада 2018, 14:53
- Перегляди: 1155
20. Integration of the agricultural sector of Ukraine to the EU's internal market: challenges and decreases
D. Krysanov
Pages: 176-188
The article analyzes the processes and results of promoting the agrarian sector to the EU internal market. It is based on a single normative space, as a result of the integration of three components: the national system of technical regulation, the domestic system of food safety, the implementation of sanitary and phytosanitary measures in the agricultural sector. The progressive changes for each component are revealed and the opportunity to reach the planned boundary is estimated. An important indicator of the process was the introduction of system safety procedures. With the inclusion of monitoring materials, the state of implementation of HACCP and constantly operating procedures by market operators is highlighted, obstacles hindering their implementation, certification of safety management systems and certification of the compliance of capacities with the minimum requirements of prerequisites are analyzed. The proposals aimed at achieving the target benchmarks set forth in the laws of Ukraine on food safety, on state control and feed are developed.
Key words: agrarian sector, integration, ongoing procedures, market operators, EU internal market
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