- Деталі
- Опубліковано: Понеділок, 05 листопада 2018, 14:52
- Перегляди: 834
19. Investigation of the effects of fructosis and lactosis on technological operations of manufacture of crystalline structure
O. Kokhan, O. Onofriichuk, L. Khomichak
Pages: 168 -175
The article examines the possibility of obtaining sweets of crystalline structure using a combination of sugars fructose and lactose. The study of the influence of sugars on the parameters of the process of crystallization, the formation of products, and the preservation of the quality of fondant sweets during storage were carried out. The optimum ratio of sugars is selected in order to produce small crystal structure sweets. The behavior of the developed sweets during storage is predicted. The influence of packaging materials on deceleration of the process of drying of sweets is investigated, and the efficiency of using packaging in a «twist» is established. The glycemic index of developed sweets is calculated.
Key words: fondant sweets, fructose, lactose, crystallization, structural and mechanical properties, starch forms, structure formation, packaging, storage life
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