- Деталі
- Опубліковано: Понеділок, 05 листопада 2018, 14:50
- Перегляди: 1133
18. Detecting and withdrawing of foreign inclusions as critical control points of HACCP plans for meat processing facilities
K. Kopylova, S. Verbytskyi, T. Kos, O. Verbova, O. Kozachenko
Pages: 159-167
Developing and implementation of HACCP systems in the meat industry implies special CCP corresponding to physical hazards, such as bones and structural elements of machines and mechanisms made of metal, glass, plastics, and other hard materials, since the fragments of those can pose a threat to the health and life of consumers in case of getting into the finished product, and, therewith, into the human body. Concerning CCP set at the different stages of meat processing, two technological operations are typical – reception of fresh or frozen meats and surveying prepared and ground meats before or during stuffing the sausage casings. There are different methods of foreign fragments detection in food stuffs, operating on the base of different physical principles, and two of them, fluoroscopy (X-rays) and electrometric methods based on inductance, capacitance and electric contact, are typical for the detectors used in meat processing. Electrometric detection devices are the most practical as metal detectors but specific needs of meat processing cause the necessity to use detection appliances these being more universal and accurate than electrometric devices. The analysis made shows that for nonmetal inclusions, namely bone fragments, detection, fluoroscopic (X-ray) detectors are rational.
Key words: bone fragments, critical control points, electrometric detectors, fluoroscopic (X-ray) detectors, HACCP, metal detectors, nonmetal detectors.
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