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- Опубліковано: Понеділок, 05 листопада 2018, 11:28
- Перегляди: 1360
17. Nutritional and energy value of sweet pepper fruit depending on variety
V. Koltunov, К. Kalaida
Pages: 150-158
The article investigates the energy potential of biological degree of ripeness sweet pepper cultivars, as a genetic factor for the formation of their consumer value, as relevant for the evaluation of fruits as food products in the way of their advancement from field to consumer.
The research was carried out with 65 varieties and hybrids of sweet red pepper, accomplish a grouping of various ripeness stage varieties in accordance to their nutritional and energy value. It has been established that only 11 of them have a sufficient high energy value and are high-potential to increase the overall production of this crop.
Key words: sweet pepper, nutritional value, energy value, entropy, degree of ripeness.
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