16. Research of influence of raw material of plant origin on the quality of formed chips
А. Kovtun, V. Kovbasа, V. Pichkur
Pages: 142-149
The article is devoted to the research of the influence of non-traditional vegetable raw materials with high content of food fibers on the manufacturing process and organoleptic parameters of formed potato chips. Particular attention is paid to the problem of frequent consumption of high calorie and low nutritional value chips by young people. An alternative solution to the problem was proposed by enriching the formed chips with bran of rye and barley, pulp of pumpkin seeds, cryopowders of broccoli and red beet. The text describes the main parameters of the process of baking half-finished products on a shadow unit with two heating devices and its advantages before frying in oil. Also data of researches of optimum ratio of used raw materials to potato grits with setting of temperature modes of baking are presented. The main content of the research is presented in the form of quality profilograms, which are based on such organoleptic parameters: appearance, colour, taste, smell, consistency. On the basis of the data, conclusions were made about the possibility of using in the formulation of formed chips the investigated non-traditional raw materials of vegetable origin in order to increase their nutritional value.
Key words: formed potato chips, bran, cryopowders
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