15. Demand and consumption of meat in the regions of Ukraine and the world
O. Kovalenko, H. Lysenko
Pages: 131-141
The purpose of the article is to assess the state of the population's supply of meat products in the regions of Ukraine and in the world, to identify trends in production and factors that shape demand and consumption; determine the degree of supply of meat and meat products in the regions of Ukraine. Applied methods: system generalization, analysis and synthesis, calculation and analytical, comparison, graphic. Research results. The main tends of production and consumption of meat and meat products in the regions of Ukraine and the world were revealed. Balances were developed of demand and supply of meat in the regions of Ukraine. The consequences of the influence of globalization factors, in particular, the effect of interpenetration of food traditions of different countries and geographic territories on the tendencies of meat consumption in Ukrainian and in the world was substantiated. Elements of scientific novelty. The actual state of production and distribution of products of the meat processing industry by regions of Ukraine was investigated. The meat processing industry was analyzed according to the indicators of production, consumption, export and import, availability of stocks (balances) of products from the previous periods. The regions of Ukraine with a supply of meat products larger than demand, and areas where the supply of products is less than demand for it were revealed. The full picture of redistribution of meat products between in the regions of Ukraine was displayed. Practical significance. Research will contribute to guaranteeing the food security of the state and provide an opportunity to predict the future development of the meat market in Ukrainian and in the world. 
Key words: meat, meat products, meat processing industry, meat production, meat consumption, balance of the meat market, regional assessment
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