14. The influence of gelatin and starter culture on the physical and chemical parameters of cheeses with different fat content
Ya. Zhukova, P. Petrov, O. Boloba, T. Ohrimenko, O. Naumenko.
Pages: 123-130
The production of low-fat dairy products requires careful testing of techniques to reproduce the properties of high-fat products. The high content of essential amino acids and the specific physicochemical properties of gelatin determine its usability in production of food products, particularly, cheeses. The aim of this work was to investigate the effect of addition of gelatin (1% and 3%) and various microbiological starter cultures on the physicochemical parameters of cheeses with different fat content. It is shown that the addition of gelatin increased the moisture retention capacity in experimental cheeses, regardless of fat content, decreased the content of volatile fatty acids, the content of acetoin and acetaldehyde. At the same time, the use of starter cultures improves sensorial properties of the products. Proteolysis and lipolysis occurred more intensively in cheese with complex starter culture «Bifidolux» than with using of starter monoculture «ALBA TC-01», regardless of fat content, which may indicates the advisability of using complex starter cultures in the production of soft cheeses with gelatin addition.
Key words: cheese, gelatin, lipolysis, proteolysis, starter culture
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