- Деталі
- Опубліковано: Понеділок, 05 листопада 2018, 14:56
- Перегляди: 851
23. High-protein bread for consumers with increased protein requirements
V. Makhynko, А. Listratenko, O. Pisarets
Pages: 200-205
Protein is the most deficient component in diets of most consumers. Consuming a required amount of protein is particularly relevant task for persons with a higher degree of physical activity (athletes, persons of hard physical labor). Traditional bakery products, referred to everyday goods, contain insufficient amount of protein, biological value of which is worsened by low content of essential amino acid lysine. The purpose of the work was to develop high-protein types of bread using concentrated plant proteins – dry wheat gluten and isolates of soy, pea and rice. The set of studies allowed to develop recipes of products which contain increased amount of easily digestible protein of high biological value. The products proposed have high organoleptic, physical and chemical indicators, and consumption of these products in normal quantities can fully satisfy human body’s need in plant proteins. The economic estimates in this work evidenced the prospects of broad introduction of the developed bakery products, and the corresponding technological instructions were drawn up for this purpose.
Key words: requirements, bread, vegetable isolates, protein, amino acids, soybeans, peas, rice
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