29. Organisms composition of active sludge of oil wastewater and the agro industrial complex cleaning
O. Semenova, N. Bublienko,T. Shylofost, L. Reshetnyak
Pages: 237-242
The problem of water purification is one of the most important for today. After all, it interacts directly with the air, soils and other areas of the environment. The purpose of the work is studying of the biocenosis of organisms of aerobic active sludge, which is used for biochemical purification. The best methods of purification are biological. The research was carried out by direct microscopy, which allows determining the morphology of cells and their quantitative ratios, and based on these characteristics to formulate conclusions about the state of active sludge and its ability to oxidize contaminants. The use of aerobic fermentation in the biological purification of sewage by active sludge by organisms is appropriate when the concentration of pollutants in the drains is low. Oil wastewaters are formed at the enterprises of agro industrial complex by washing of car tanks and entering of technical oils of equipment. In the process of biological treatment of oil wastewater, active sludge was characterized by a large variety of protozoa species composition with a small quantitative prevalence of one species. The results of the conducted research indicate that for the oxidation of oil wastewater does not require the presence of all possible representatives of aerobic active sludge, since only specific organisms that will oxidize oil products can adapt to this type of pollution, but this process takes place at a lower rate than when purification pollution of the sinks of the agro industrial complex.
Key words: active sludge, biological purification, aerotank, hydrobionts, wastewater treatment
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