30. Grounds for promotion of shelf life of the "Mozzarella" cheese by use of a NIZIN preparation
T. Semko, L. Kolianovska. O. Ivanishcheva
Pages: 243-247
The paper highlights the issues of the creation of functional food products, namely, soft cheeses of the type «Mozzarella», which are in mass demand with an extended period of implementation. There is a clear trend towards increasing the daily consumption of such products, using them for dining at fast food restaurants, for pizza, sandwiches, salads, etc. This is exactly the healthy and nutritious food that people need. The paper highlights the issues of the creation of functional food products, namely, soft cheeses of the type «Mozzarella», which are in mass demand with an extended period of implementation. There is a clear tendency to increase the daily consumption of such products, use them for dining at fast food restaurants, for pizza, sandwiches, salads, etc. This is exactly the healthy and nutritious food that people need.Proved the importance of adding a package with a cheese mixture of cheese whey, brine and antiseptic (10% solution 2% solution of sodium chloride). According to recommendations on the use of the term storage «Мozzarella» will reach 20 days. 
Key words: milk, soft cheese, shelf life improvement, technology, functional product, low calorie cheese, nicine
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