

O. Kovalenko, H. Lysenko
Pages: 62-79
Subject of research - the potential of food and raw materials in the production chains of the main branches of the food industry of Ukraine. The purpose of the research is to study the potential of material and raw material resources in the production chains of the main branches of the food industry and their impact on the economic results of these industries. Applied methods: system generalization, analysis and synthesis, calculation and analytical, comparison, graphic. Research results. The article presents the results of a study of the potential of raw material resources in the production chains of the main branches of the food industry and their impact on the economic results of these industries. It has been revealed that in the main sectors of the food industry (meat processing, milk processing, baking, oil and fat, sugar), rapid wear of the main means of production, as well as insufficient financial resources to reproduce, form barriers to the competitive development of industrial food production and food security of the country. It has been established that the production volumes of most basic food products do not correspond to the levels of demand for these products. The raw material base for the production of certain types of plant products is growing. Sown areas and yields of main grains are increasing, which ensure an increase in the gross yield and, consequently, the raw material base for the food industry branches engaged in the production of products from plant raw materials. However, the reduction of the livestock, and, accordingly, the production of beef, veal and milk, led to a lack of raw materials for the industrial sectors producing meat and milk products. Scope of application of research results. The results are intended for economists and specialists in food and processing industries, specialists of authorities, scientists, teachers, post-graduate students and students of higher educational establishments. The results of the research has a scientific and practical value and can serve as a source of background information on the real state of the main sectors of the food industry. The results can be the basis for further researches and for making decisions on state support for the development of the main sectors of the food.
Key words: potential, resources, raw materials, fixed assets, food industry, profitability.
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