Kuts O.
Pages: 248-267
The subject of the study is the legislative framework aimed at the development of the food industry in the process of forming the domestic food system in the conditions of globalization and improvement of the state agrarian policy. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the changes and suggestions regarding the formation of the legislative framework of the state agricultural policy for the development of the food industry. Methods applied: theoretical knowledge, monographic, systematization and classification, abstract-logical. Research results. The increase in the share of processed products in total production and exports is one of the main tasks for realization of the potential of the national food system and is crucial for ensuring the country's competitiveness, especially in the context of global challenges and implementation of the European integration course. The efficient functioning of the food industry plays a leading role in ensuring the effective functioning of the food system and the stable socio-economic development of Ukraine. For the development of the food industry, as well as for the whole of all subjects of the national economy, it is important to understand what system of economic, financial, legal, organizational and social measures will be implemented by the state in order to ensure an effective and stable development of the economy, or, in particular, the provision of the population quality food. The existing institutional conditions and instruments for the implementation of the state agrarian policy should be reviewed in the light of the processes of globalization and integration into the EU. Scope of research results. It is intended for the practical application of the basic scientific provisions and research proposals in the preparation of legislative and regulatory acts regarding the formation of a state agricultural policy in order to ensure the development of the food industry and a stable food system. In particular, it includes measures of deregulation of economic activity, first of all through reduction of functions and improvement of administrative regulation of the economy, increase of processing of agricultural raw materials, better control over the safety and quality of food products, and facilitating their entry into the market, ensuring food security.
Key words: agrarian policy, food industry, food, food and processing industry, safety and quality of food products, agro-industrial complex, agriculture
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