Kotkova N.
Pages: 229-247
The objective of the article is to determine the indicators of the development of Ukraine's food system in the context of economic challenges. Research methodology. In the course of the research, dialectical methods of knowledge of processes and phenomena were used, monographic method (generalization of scientific achievements of scientists in relation to the transformational processes of economic systems), empirical method (concerning the complex assessment of the current state of the research object - the food system of Ukraine), comparative analysis (identified and analyzed main indicators of development of world and Ukrainian food systems). Research results. In the process of studying the issues of defining indicators for the development of the food system of Ukraine, the main stages of the advancement to the development of the food system have been formed, the main indicators of the development of the world and Ukrainian food systems have been analyzed, the main indicators of international trade in food products and agricultural raw materials are determined. Elements of scientific novelty. Further development of the theoretical provisions concerning the advancement of the food system of Ukraine in the context of economic challenges, which must be built on the basis of integrated interaction and management, which will optimize the spent resources to achieve food security, improve the efficiency of the resources used, improve the quality of life of the population, and also increase the impact on the global food system. Practical significance. The results of the study are aimed at identifying indicators for the development of Ukraine's food system in the context of economic challenges, which will determine the main trends of the Ukrainian food system against the background of global indicators.
Key words: economic transformation; global food system; indicators of development of food systems; the dynamics of export and import; indicators of international trade
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