- Деталі
- Опубліковано: Вівторок, 16 липня 2019, 09:49
- Перегляди: 1179
Kovalenko O.
Pages: 210-228
The subject of the research is the formation of inclusive innovations in the food system of Ukraine amid of structural transformations of the global economic environment and the monopolization of markets. The aim of the research is identify and uncover structural changes in the world food system based on a retrospective analysis, substantiate the prerequisites and factors for enhancing innovation in Ukraine, identify promising areas of innovative development in its food system that contribute to the inclusive development of the global economy. Methods: system generalization, analysis and synthesis, calculation and analytical, comparison, graphic. Research results. The article presents the results of the assessment of structural transformations of the world food system in the global economic environment, identifies the prerequisites and factors for enhancing innovation in the food industry of Ukraine, as an important component of the food system, justifies the priorities and prospects for innovative development, which will contribute to the inclusive development of the world economy. The results of the evaluation of the intellectual capital of the food industry are presented. The features of modern innovative development based on the interpenetration of research in various branches of knowledge are revealed. Identified the main priorities of scientific research and innovation in the food system, which have an inclusive direction are identified. The specific features of each of the priorities and their practical significance are disclosed. Tasks that should be the basis of medium and long-term strategies for innovative development are proposed. Scope of application of research results. It is intended for economists and specialists of food and processing industry enterprises, specialists of government bodies, researchers, teachers, graduate students and students of higher educational institutions. The research results are scientific and practical in nature and can serve as a source of background information on the innovative development of the food system. They can be the basis for decision making on state support for the development of the main branches of the food industry.
Key words: food industry, innovations, inclusive development, structural deformations, food system, intellectual capital, priorities of innovative search, inclusive innovations
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