- Деталі
- Опубліковано: Вівторок, 16 липня 2019, 09:50
- Перегляди: 1052
Doronin A.
Pages: 202-209
Subject of research – the potential of biogas production and consumption in the field of animals of Ukraine. The purpose of the research is to evaluate the potential of biogas production and consumption the field of animals of Ukraine, taking into account its effect on business economic efficiency. Applied methods: system analysis and logical generalization – to study preconditions of negative changes in the field of animals; settlement-constructive – to determine the indicators of economic efficiency; induction and deduction – to generalize the research results; abstract-logic – to make conclusions and suggestions. Research results. The article presents the results of a study of the potential of biogas production and consumption in the field of animals of Ukraine. Preconditions of negative changes in the field of animals were studied. The research done made it possible to evaluate production efficiency of both beef and alternative fuel – biogas – at farm enterprises. It has been established that biogas production and consumption from animals substrates at farm enterprises will allow producing ecologically clean alternative fuel, ensuring food safety, creating new jobs, increasing business profits, reducing import fuel dependence. The research results can help solve practical problems of farm enterprises in the field of animals and in agrarian business in general. Scope of application of research results. The results are intended for economists and specialists in food and processing industries, specialists of authorities, scientists, teachers, post-graduate students and students of higher educational establishments. The results of the research has a scientific and practical value and can serve as a source of background information on the real state of the main sectors of the food industry. The results can be the basis for further researches and for making decisions on state support.
Key words: potential, biogas, animals, food safety, efficiency, bioenergy
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