- Деталі
- Опубліковано: Вівторок, 16 липня 2019, 09:53
- Перегляди: 1220
Bokii O.
Pages: 184-201
Research object – the potential of the economy of Ukraine and food industry in the global economic environment. The purpose of the study is to determine the most effective levers of economic growth in the country and to elevate the country to the highest levels of international ratings through the innovative development of the food industry and the harmonization of the institutional environment. Applied methods: system generalization, structural-logical, statistical analysis, comparison, dynamic series, graphical. Research results are the following: The world economic rankings are generalized and the place of Ukraine in them is determined. The content of the main indicators of world rankings and the degree of influence on them such as activity of the food sector and the food industry in wholeness are revealed. It is proposed to organize rankings by groups. The copmarison between indicators of Ukraine with indicators of leaders of the main ratings and geographical neighbors was done. By most ratings, the country has increased its position, while at the same time it does not have enough high places – only at the level of developing countries. The mutual influence of the food industry, the economic, infrastructure, financial and institutional environment and the economy as a whole on the place of the country in the world, constraining factors of economic development were revealed. The activities of food industry enterprises have a significant impact on food security indicators, GDP at purchasing power parity, the rating of innovative economies, and so on. In turn, the country's achievements in global rankings will give the food industry an impetus for further development. To raise Ukraine to the highest levels in the economic rankings, it is important for enterprises of the food industry and of the other participants food system to harmonize market activity, provide modernization of production, quality, economic and physical availability of food for all consumers. Scope of application of research results. Designed for specialists in the field of food industry and macroeconomic research, academia, lecturers, postgraduates and students of higher education. The results of the study can be used by specialists and public authorities in the choice of ways to increase the investment attractiveness of food companies and industries of the country's economy.
Key words: food industry, food system, industrial potential, stability, threats, opportunities, international rankings
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