- Деталі
- Опубліковано: Вівторок, 16 липня 2019, 10:11
- Перегляди: 926
Orliuk Yu.
Pages: 128-135
The main factors influencing the formation of organoleptic parameters of cheeses ripening with the participation of cheese mucus are - the type of milk (cow, goat, etc.), indicators of its quality and technological regimes of preparation of milk for processing on cheese, composition and properties of fertilising lactic acid microflora and bacteria of cheese mucus, methods of their application, technological regimes of production and maturation of cheese mass. The basis of cheese mucus is «coryneform bacteria». The term «coryneform bacteria» is commonly used for Arthrobacter, Brevibacterium, Corynebacterium and Microbacterium spp. On the surface of cheeses that mature with the participation of cheese mucus, representatives of these types of bacteria are present in large quantities. Studies have shown that bacteria Brevibacterium linens make up 1 to 30% of the total number of cheese mucus bacteria on the surface of cheeses. But also, studies have shown that a small amount of B. linens does not significantly affect the organoleptic characteristics of cheeses, although they remain an important component of the microflora of mucus due to the activity of their proteolytic and lipolytic enzymes, as well as the ability to produce pigments that affect the color of cheese and thiol compounds that affect the taste and aroma of cheese. Bacteria of V. linens are halotholerant, the optimum conditions for growth are temperature (20-30)° C and active acidity of the medium (6,5-8,5) units. pH. The maturation of cheese with the participation of cheese mucus is characterized by the intensity of proteolysis and lipid peroxidation, which largely forms the organoleptic and physico-chemical parameters of the finished product. The paper presents the results of studies of proteolytic, lipolytic and estratic activity of brevibacteria during ripening of cheeses. The dynamics of accumulation of fractions of nitrogen-containing compounds during maturation of cheeses with participation of cheese mucus was determined. The optimization of technological parameters of the production of a new type of cheese mature with the participation of cheese mucus was carried out.
Key words: cheese, cheese mucus, proteolysis, lipolysis, fractions of nitrogen-containing cheese compounds
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