Lysak T., Oliinichuk S., Koval O.
Pages: 121-127
The comparative characterization of experimental yeast strain DS-01-E and commercial dry yeasts in conditions of SoE “Zarubyntsi ethanol plant” is conducted. Full-scale technology of corn-based fermented alcoholic mash is the subject of this work. Scope of research. Verification of experimental yeast strain ability to maintain effective metabolic processes under the conditions of all relative production stages. Methods. During the execution of trials, all the main parameters of technological operations are kept according to enterprise actual technological instructions. Feedstocks processing efficiency is evaluated by fermented mash, obtained by using the existing process diagrams, carbohydrates compound analysis. The common in ethanol production test methods are used in this work: polarimetric for starch content assay, gravimetric – for impurities content assay, drying – for humidity assay, aerometric – for ethanol content assay, colorimetric – for unfermented carbohydrates and glycerol assay. Results. During the higher gravity mash fermentation process, dry yeasts undergone the osmotic stress, because of which fermented mashes, obtained using the experimental yeast strain contained 0.3-0.55%v/v alcohol under the relatively equal mash solids content. This allows to reach the 3.5-4.0% biopolymers conversion increase under the production conditions. The 24.4% glycerol synthesis decrease by experimental yeast strains, comparing to dry yeasts is detected. Results. Technological advances of experimental yeast strain, which provide the reduction of specific energy resources for production of finished products, are determined. The expediency of experimental yeast strain usage in a full-scale technological cycle is shown. The optimal operational conditions of fermentation unit, aimed on higher gravity corn mash fermentation processes optimization, are worked out.
Key words: Yeasts, corn, fermentation, bioethanol, Saccharomyces cerevisiae
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