Danylenko S., Naumenko O., Potemska O.
Pages: 64-73
The main direction of scientific activity of the department of biotechnology is the development of biotechnology of fermentation preparations for the production of fermented products from animal raw materials. Technologies of fermentation preparations provide for obtaining different forms: single- and multicomponent starter cultures, bacterial concentrates, preparations of direct introduction in liquid, dry or frozen state, for the production of sour-milk drinks, hard cheeses, functional products, dried and smoked sausages and forages for animals. The material basis for the technologies of bacterial preparations is the Bank of Microorganism Cultures. Its proper diversity lets it possible to provide advanced technology of new products. With a wide range of industrial strains of different biological properties, it is possible to provide bacterial preparations for both enrichment and fermentation of dairy and meat raw materials. The most promising ones are kept in our own collection and deposited at the State Depository of Industrial Microorganisms of the Institute of Microbiology and Virology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Basic fundamental knowledge of the specialists on biotechnology and the profound experience promoted scientific substantiation and development of methodology of production microbiological control at dairy enterprises has been created for Ukraine, which corresponds to the current international practice of the dairy industry and ensures proper control of the quality and safety of products. Detailed methodological approaches were worked out and the basic schemes of implementation of microbiological control of production of various types of dairy products and also, recommendations on methods of microbiological analysis of raw materials, materials, finished products, sanitary-and-hygienic state of production, in accordance with domestic sanitary measures, were developed. Long-term phage monitoring of domestic dairy processing enterprises allowed us to evaluate the overall phage state of production, to obtain pure isolates of industrial phages and highly sensitive strains of microorganisms, and to develop a number of recommendations for manufacturers. In particular, a special test-system for phage monitoring was developed this incorporating strains of lactic acid bacteria with a high sensitivity to different bacteriophages, which can be tailored individually to the specificity of a particular enterprise.
Key words: biotechnology, microorganisms, bacteriophages, fermentation cultures, microbiota, probiotic preparations, normoflora, collection
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