Danilova K., Oliinichuk S.
Pages: 74-79
Solution the problem of increasing the alcohol production profitability is diversification on the integrated wasteless technologies for the deep соnversion raw materials with the obtaining of food and feed products, liquid and gaseous fuels. The purpose of the work a scientifically sound to use alcohol production wastes to obtain valuable by-products to expand the range and increase the efficiency of the industry. The characteristic of alcohol fermentation gases as raw materials for liquid carbon dioxide production. The quality standards of Ukraine and world and carbon dioxide physical-chemical parameters for food purpose are adduced. The comparative characteristic of schemes of liquid carbon dioxide production obtaining on medium and high pressures cycles and its purification of accompanying impurities are given. The carbon dioxide production on distillery it is cost-effective solution, because the fermentative gases are wastes with 98-99% of base substance. The cost of carbon dioxide production of fermentation gases is 1,5- 2 times lower than in the other raw materials. Implementation of the integrated conversion schemes at distilleries these schemes aiming, as obtaining ethanol, food and feed products, including liquid carbon dioxide, leads to a better diversification of products and helps strengthening cost-efficiency.
Key words: profitability, diversification, alcohol production, carbon dioxide, quality parameters, scheme for production, cleaning method
1. Oficijnyj sajt Derzhavnoi sluzhby statystyky Ukraini. [Official site of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine]. http://www.ukrstat.gov.ua [in Ukrainian].
2. CGA G-6.2 Commodity Specification for Carbon Dioxide. Compressed Gas Association. Inc., 14501 George Carter Way, Suite 103, Chantilly VA 20151. http://www.cganet.com.
3. EIGA Info 24/11, Carbon Dioxide Sources, Certification, Quality Standards and Verification. European Industrial Gases Association, Avenue des Arts 3-5 Brussels, Belgium, B-1210. http:// www.eiga.eu.
4. Fountain Carbon Dioxide Quality Guideline. International Society of Beverage Technologists, 14070 Proton Road, Suite 100, LB 9, Dallas TX 75244-3601. http://www.bevtech.org.
5. DSTU 4817 (2007) Dioksyd vugleciy gasopodibnyi i skraplenyi. Tehnichni umovy. [Gaseous and Liquid Carbon Dioxide. Specification]. Derzhspozhivstandart Ukrainy. Kyiv: 14 p. [in Ukraine].
6. Danilova K. (2007) Novye tehnologii polucheniya dioksida ugleroda iz gazov razlichnogo proishoghdeniya. [New technologies of reception of carbon dioxide gases of the various origin]. Tekhnicheskie gasy [Industrial gases]. 4, P. 37–41. [in Russion].                     

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