- Деталі
- Опубліковано: Вівторок, 16 липня 2019, 10:17
- Перегляди: 1192
Dorokhova T., Udvorheli L., Koretska I.
Pages: 80-86
Flour culinary products hold a valuable place in the structure of nutrition. In order to meet the needs of the maximum number of consumers, their formula is permanently improved. One approach to improving the formula and to increase the nutritional value of the product is adding different functional ingredients, for example, pea cellulose. The Subject of research is the pea cellulose. The goal of research is to explore pea cellulose as a functional ingredient for the enrichment of flour culinary products. The sensorial and physicochemical research methods were used. The content of constituents of food fibers of pea cellulose and wheat flour was considered; the research of influence of pea cellulose on the nutritional and energy value of the flour-culinary product was presented; the characteristics of physical, technological and sensorial properties of pea cellulose was determined; the influence of the pea cellulose on the human body was explored; the complex index of quality of new meals was determined. As a result of the research, it was proved that the adding of pea cellulose reduces the energy value of the flour culinary products and increases their nutritional value. The positive effect of pea cellulose on the human body due to the high content of food fibers was proven the addition of pea cellulose improving the sensorial characteristics of flour culinary products was also shown. The optimal percentage of the addition of the pea cellulose to the wheat flour was determined. The sphere of application of the results: it is possible to expand the range of flour culinary products by adding the pea cellulose to them. Moreover, such flour culinary products can be used in medical and dietary nutrition, due to the reduced caloric content and increased content of food fibers.
Key words: flour culinary products, pea cellulose, wheat flour, wheat cellulose, functional ingredient, food fibers, nutritional value, energy value, index of quality
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