Drobot V., Prykhodko Yu., Berezhna H., Biela N.
Pages: 87-93
Natural gums, namely guar, tare, carob tree, xanthan gum produced by microorganisms and cellulose derivative – hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMC), their structuring ability in gluten-free dough system were subjects of research. The purpose of the work was to substantiate and develop the composition of a mixture of structure formers for use in the technology of bakery gluten-free products by studying their influence on the technological process and the quality of finished products. The research was carried out using baking method, in which the dough was prepared by straight dough accelerated method – without fermentation. The main raw material for making bread was corn and potato starches. The processes of preparation of gluten-free bread for a different ratio of formulation in the formulation were compared. The influence of hydrocolloids on the parameters of the technological process and the quality of products were determined by generally accepted methods. Experimental data was processed by the method of mathematical statistics. As a result of the conducted researches, the use of structure formers in the technology of production of gluten-free bread got further development, and the high efficiency of use of HPMC in the gluten-free dough system has been established. It has been proved that the best sensorial, physical and chemical indicators of bread quality were achieved using a mixture of guar gum and HPMC in a ratio of 60:40. By adding a mixture to the dough in such a quantity, the dough is loosened better, the dough withstanding is also accelerated, porosity, elasticity and other indicators of bakery products are improved. The research results can be used in the bakery industry to develop recipes of gluten-free products in order to expand their assortment.
Key words: nutritional supplements, structuring agents, gluten-free dough, bread, quality indicators
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