Voitsekhivska L., Okhrimenko Yu., Sokolova S., Shelkova T.
Pages: 50-57
The results of research of the effect of biologically active compounds on the indicators of hydrolytic decomposition and oxidative damage of mechanically deboned poultry meat during storage are characterized. The purpose of the work is to research the effect of biologically active compounds to stabilize the processes of oxidation of the fatty complex of mechanically deboned poultry meat. The subject of the research is mechanically deboned poultry meat, poultry meat of manual deboning (control). To achieve this goal, we studied the effect of natural antioxidants: dihydroquercetin, rosemary extract, both fat-soluble and water-soluble, green tea extract, both fat-soluble and water-soluble on the oxidative processes during storage of poultry meat. By dynamics of changes in acid number and peroxide number during storage of the experiment and control samples for 15 days the effectiveness of the action of selected antioxidants was investigated. It was defined that after the 15th day of storage of mechanical deboned poultry meat, the growth of peroxide numbers of the samples with dihydroquercetin was by 42% lower and with green tea extract water-soluble by 35% lower compared to control samples. The effect of various ratios of natural antioxidants on the oxidative processes during their storage was studied on model samples of mechanically deboned poultry meat. The most acceptable in the course of their antioxidant activity amounts of the introduction of biologically active substances to mechanical deboned poultry meat have been established: fat-soluble rosemary extract – 0,1%; water soluble rosemary extract – 0,07%; extract of green tea, fat-soluble and water-soluble – 0,05%; dihydroquercetin – 0,025%. Research of selected biologically active compounds and the calculated degree of their effect on the hydrolytic decomposition and oxidative deterioration of mechanical deboned poultry meat allowed us to compare the effectiveness of these compounds as inhibitors of oxidative processes.
Key words: Antioxidants, dihydroquercetin, fat and water-soluble extracts, acid value, peroxide value, mechanically deboned poultry meat
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