- Деталі
- Опубліковано: Вівторок, 16 липня 2019, 10:35
- Перегляди: 1242
Verbytskyi S., Starchevoi S., Usatenko N., Kryzhska T.
Pages: 35-49
The subject of research are the process of needle injection of whole-muscle raw materials using multi-needle injectors with high (spray injection) or low pressure, technological equipment used for these purposes, “meat-in-meat” injection technology using raw meats as a component of injection brines, preparation (comminuting) of pork skin for the use in the composition of the said brines. The purpose of the study is to prove the feasibility and expediency of using collagen-containing raw materials, namely pork skin, as a component of injection brines for hydro-mechanical processing of whole-muscle raw meat. Methods. The raw material was minced through lattice holes of 3 mm, comminuted with a cutter and an emulsifier with the possibility of changing the working gap between the cutting bodies of the latter. The degree of grinding was determined as the size of the working gap between the rotor and the stator. Rheological characteristics of pork skin were determined using an automatic penetrometer, the ultimate shear stress (standard penetration stress) was calculated using the formula of P.А. Rebinder. The results of the study. The expediency and technological prospects of intensive pickling of whole-muscle raw materials using multi-needle brine injectors operating in high (spray injection) or low pressure ranges are confirmed. The rationality of using for this purpose brines with the content of the protein component, obtained by comminuting the collagen-containing connective tissue (“mea-in-meat” technology), is shown. Injecting pieces of beef with solutions that included comminuted pork skin showed the gap between the working bodies of the emulsifier ranging 0.4 and 0.3 mm not to be satisfactory in the sense of the comminution degree, since the occurrence of fragments of raw materials in the peripheral holes of the hollow needles of the brine injector was evident. In experiments, when the said gap was 0.3 and 0.2 mm, the corresponding occurrence was observed in 7 and 3% of the holes, respectively, at the same time, setting the machine to a gap of 0.05 mm gave the best results when the product was not found in the holes of the needles. The use of pork skin as a component of a complex solution for injecting raw meat is possible and reasonable, however, to achieve stable operation of multi-needle brine injectors, it is necessary to provide a degree of comminution, which is characterized by standard penetration stress values of at least 1215 Pa. It is determined that the value of the standard penetration of 1015 Pa is the lower limit of the optimal values range of this parameter. Scope of research results. The results of the experiments will be used to improve technologies and specialized equipment for the injection of whole muscle meat raw materials using collagen-containing components in order to increase the profitability of meat processing production, ensure food safety of the ham products produced, improve their quality, etc.
Key words: multicomponent injection brines, multi-needle brine injector, whole muscle raw meats, rheological parameters, comminution, penetration
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