Bernyk I., Kutniak M., Kots I.
Pages: 16-24
This article is devoted to research aimed at improving the methods of intensification of technological mass transfer processes using low frequency mechanical oscillations, in particular, in the process of extraction of plant raw materials in the food industry. Vibrational effects contribute to the destruction of raw material, which is extracted under the influence of alternating pressure differences, which in turn reduces the internal diffusion resistance. In the case of the use of such a method in extraction processes, there is an increase in the completeness of the extraction of the target components, the acceleration of the process of mass transfer and, in most cases, the reduction of energy costs. The authors carried out an analytical review of known extraction machines, the results of which found that the vast majority of such equipment requires significant energy costs, has relatively large dimensions and mass, significant complications associated with the management of the operating parameters of the equipment. On the basis of the considered principles of the operation of the known equipment and its basic defects, which require improvement, the authors propose a new constructive decision of the vibroextractor with a remotely controlled hydropulse drive. The main feature of the proposed hydropulse vibration drive is the introduction of the vibrational movement of perforated plates of the vibroextractor into the possibility of creating an asymmetric remote-controlled amplitude and frequency of the plates moving, which contributes to the intensification of power interaction with the processed plant material. The intensification of mass-exchange processes is also aimed at the implementation of perforated openings in the form of hydraulic nozzles, with the flow of fluid flows through which may be accompanied by the emergence of cavitation. The mathematical model of the dynamics of the working process of the hydropulse drive of the equipment is made. The generalized functional dependences are derived, which connect the main parameters of the drive hydraulic system and the structure of the hydraulic actuator node of the oscillator activator node, which are suitable for practical calculations with a preliminary estimation and the choice of their rational values at the stage of sketch design.
Key words: extraction, vibroextractor, hydropulse drive, hydraulic nozzles, plant raw material, mathematical model of working process, cavitation
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