- Деталі
- Опубліковано: Вівторок, 16 липня 2019, 10:40
- Перегляди: 1107
Sychevskyi M., Romanchuk I.
Pages: 7-15
The purpose of the article is to highlight the topical problems associated with providing high quality dairy products to the population and the participation of the Institute of Food Resources of the NAAS in solving scientific and applied problems aimed at improving the quality of dairy products. Methods. Analytical researches of factual materials concerning the state of dairy industry and trends of its development. Results Based on the analysis of the current state of development of the dairy industry, the main problem issues concerning the provision of the population with dairy products in sufficient quantity and quality are outlined. Growing world food needs and positive forecasts of the world dairy market indicate potential prospects for increasing milk and dairy production in Ukraine. The practical realization of the set goals requires the modernization of the organizational, technical, technological, qualification levels of milk production and processing. The main scientific results and innovative developments of the Institute of Food Resources in solving the problems of the branch are covered. Conclusions. The main scientific directions of ensuring the production of high-quality dairy products are the substantiation of technological regimes of processing of dairy raw materials, studying the patterns of changes in its composition and properties that provide high nutritional and biological value of dairy products; development of resource-saving technologies and energy-saving equipment, which help to save resources and increase the efficiency of production; creation of a scientific basis for implementation of quality control systems and safety of dairy products in accordance with modern requirements, which are based on the principles of the system of analysis of dangerous factors and control at critical points.
Key words: milk, quality, milk processing, technology, standards
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