FOOD RESOURCES 2016. Issue N 7. Article 25

25. The comparison of carbohydrate-amylase complexes of wheat and spelt flour
A. Semenova, O. Pysarets, V. Drobot
Pages: 178-182
The article presents a comparative study of carbohydrate-amylase complex ofwhole-spelt and whole-wheatflours. Investigation has shown that whole-spelt flour has lower gasproduction capacity than whole-wheat flour, because of the smaller amount of its own sugar,activity of amylolytic enzymes and availability starch grains of enzyme action. Also, determinationof dough properties by amylogram has shown that spelt starch granules gelatinize earlier but haveconsiderably lower maximum viscosity than soft wheat.
Key words: whole-wheat flour, whole-spelt flour, carbohydrate-amylase complex, amylogram
1. Гончаров Н.П. Происхождение, доместикация и эволюция пшениц / Н.П. Гончаров, Е.Я. Кондратенко // Вестник ВОГиС. – 2008. – Т. 12. – № 12. – с. 159-179.
2. Твердохліб О.В. Спельта і полба в органічному землеробстві / О.В. Твердохліб, О.В. Голік, А.К. Нінієва, Р.Л.Богуславський // Посібник українського хлібороба. Наук.-практ. Збірник. – 2013. – №1. – с. 154-155.
3. Дробот В.І. Довідник з технології хлібопекарського виробництва: навч. посіб. для студ. вищ. навч. закл. / В.І. Дробот. – К.: Руслана, 1998. – 415 с.
4. Плешков Б.П. Практикум по биохимии растений / 2-е изд., доп. перераб. – М.: Колос, 1976. – 256 с.: ил. – (Учебники и учеб. пособия для высш. с.-х. учеб. заведений).
5. Wilson, J.D. Bread Quality of Spelt Wheat and Its Starch / J.D. Wilson, D.B. Bechtel, G.W.T. Wilson, and P.A. Seib // Cereal Chem. – 2008. – № 85(5). – р. 629-638.
6. Marconi, E. Spelt (Triticum spelta L.) pasta quality: combined effect of flour properties and drying conditions / E. Marconi, M.Carcea, M. Schiavone, and R. Cubadda // Cereal Chem. – 2002. – № 79 (5) – р. 634-639.

Line Kerivnictvo

FOOD RESOURCES 2016. Issue N 7. Article 26

26. Application of sous-vide technology for service members diet
A. Andriyanova, O. Dyshkantiuk
Pages: 183-188
The analysis of literary and patent sources concerning diet of servicemen in Ukraine has been carried out. Then the diet has been analyzed according to adequate and efficient meals. The disbalance of diet in regard to physical and psychoemotional loads and energy consumptions has been discovered. The Sous-Vide process has been offered as an alternative against traditional methods of cooking common foodstuffs. The vacuum packing of foodstuffs before cooking them has been considered. The main kinds of vacuum packing equipment have been described and their merits and demerits have been shown. Besides, the main advantages of vacuum packing and cooking food according to this process have been formulated. It has been offered to use the Sous-Vide process for cooking more balanced and various food for servicemen and for determining and substantiating cooking conditions according to this process.
Key words: servicemen’s diet; rate of servicemen’s diet; vacuum packing of foodstuffs; Sous-Vide process; vacuum packing equipment; classification of kinds of packing
1. Камалов Р.Х. Аналіз стану здоров'я військовослужбовців Збройних Сил України за показниками 2001-2009 рр.: інформ.-аналіт. матеріали / Камалов Р.Х., Антомонов М.Ю., Лопін Є.Б.; ВМД МО України, НДІ ПВМ ЗС України. – К., 2011.176с.
2. Стан здоров’я населення України та забезпечення надання медичної допомоги (аналітико-статистичний посібник) / під редакцією Ю.О. Гайдаєва – Київ: Міністерство охорони здоров’я України, 2007. – 97 с.
3. Рум’янцев Ю.В. Здоров’я військовослужбовців як фактор національної безпеки України / Ю.В. Рум’янцев, О.А. Красюк // Проблеми військової охорони здоров’я: збірник наукових праць (присвячений 15-ти річчю Української військово-медичної академії та кафедри військової терапії) / за редакцією В.Я. Білого. – К. – 2008. – Вип. 23. – С. 115-121.
4. Наказ МОН України «Про затвердження Норм фізіологічних потреб населення Україи в основних харчових речовинах та енергії» №272 від 18.11.99.
5. Норми харчування військовослужбовців Збройних Сил та інших військових формувань, затверджених постановою Кабінету Міністрів України від 29 березня 2002 р. №426 (Офіційний вісник України, 2002 р., №14, ст. 739; 2013 р., №100, ст.3663).
6. Про продовольче забезпечення Збройних Сил України на мирний час (наказ від 20.12.2002 р. №402) – Режим доступу:
7. Основи військової гігієни. Санітарний нагляд і медичний контроль за харчуванням військ // Медицина. Особиста гігієна. – 2013. [Електоронний ресурс]. Режим доступу:
8. Ставцева Н. Использование газов в пищевой промышленности // Мясные технологии.  2006.  № 9. С. 28-29.
9. Афанасенко Н.И., Кулишев Б.В., Петрова E.H. Упаковка птицы с применением защитной атмосферы // Мясные технологии.  2005. – №4.  С. 21.
10. Пат. 2009041847 РФ, номер заявки PCT/RU2008/000145, Оболочка для пищевых продуктов /Заявитель, Общество с ограниченной ответственностью «Научно-производственное предприятие «Слава»; авторы Степанов В.В., Воробьев С.Л., Решетников О.Н., заявл.14.03.2008; опубл. 02.04.2009.
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13. Church, I.J. Parsons A.L. 1993. Review: sous vide cook-chill technology [Text], International Journal of Food Science and Technology 28(6): 63-74.
14. Javier Martínez Monzó Comparison of vacuum treatments and traditional cooking in vegetables using instrumental and sensory analysis/ Javier Martínez Monzó, Purificación García Segovia 2013. – Р. 12-25.
15. Delaying toxigenesis of Clostridium botulinurn by sodium lactate in ‘sous-vide’ products/ Constantin Genigeorgis// article in letters in applied microbiology june 2008.
16. Москаленко В.Ф., Грузєва Т.С., Галієнко Л.І. Особливості харчування населення України та їх вплив на здоров'я / Соціальна медицина. 2009. №3. – С.64-73.

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FOOD RESOURCES 2016. Issue N 7. Article 27

27. Biological desphosphorization of industrial wastewater
O. Semenova, L. Reshetniak, N. Bublienko, O. Semenova.
Pages: 189-195
Industrial and domestic waste water contains hydrocarbons, nitrogen and phosphoruscompounds. Phosphate components of pollutants cause particularly negative impact on waterbodies and their microflora. A mathematical model of biological desphosphorisation inaerobic-anaerobic wastewater treatment processes has been developed.Dominant species of microorganisms that consume phosphorus substrates lg an active sludge biological community have been identified.
Keywords: Biological desphosphorisation, wastewater, aerobic-anaerobic purificationprocess, zeolites
1. Baker K.H. Effect of Oxidizing Dizinfectants (Chlorine, Monochloramine and Ozone) on Helicobacter pylori / K.H. Baker, J.P.Hegarty, B. Redmond et al.// Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2002. V. 68 №2. – p. 981-984.
2. Karaphar N. Application of natural zeolite for phosphorus and ammonium removal from agueous solution // Journal of Hazardous Materials.2009. – V. 170. №2-3. – p. 1186-1191.
3. Lu S.G., Bai S.Q., Zhu L., Shan H.D. Removal mechanism of Hazardous Materials. – 2009. – V. 161. № 1. – р. 95-101.
4. Melike Yalili Rishe, Kadir Kestioglu, Taner Yonar. Landfill leach ate treatment by the combination of physicochemical methods // Biology Environmental Scientific. 1 (1) – 2007. – p. 37-43.
5. Song Y., Hahn H.H., Hoffmann E. Effect of solution condition on the precipitation for recovery. A thermodynamic evaluation // Chemosphere. 2002. – v. 48. №10. – P.1029-1034.
6. Долина Л.Ф. Очистка сточных вод от биогенных элементов: Монография – Днепропетровск: Континент, 2011. – 198 с.
7. Залежність якісних показників поверхневих водних джерел України під впливом техногенних забруднень / Ю.П.Яковенко, П.Д.Хорунжий, Т.П. Хомутецька та інші // Тези доповідей міжнародної наук.-прак. конф. «Сучасні проблеми охорони довкілля, раціонального використання водних ресурсів та очистки природних та стічних вод», Миргород, 2007 – К.: Знання, 2007. С. 24-28.
8. Запольський А.К. Водопостачання, водовідведення та якість води: навч. посіб. / А.К. Запольський. – К.: Вища школа. – 2005. – 671 с.
9. Левандовський Л.В., Природоохоронні технології та обладнання: підруч. / Л.В. Левандовський, Н.О. Бублієнко, О.І.Семенова – К.: НУХТ, 2013. – 243 с.
10. Мацуська О.В. Статистика та кінетика сорбції фосфатів на природному цеоліті у періодичних умовах / О.В. Мацуська, Р.П. Параняк, Я.М. Гумницький // Водне господарство України. – 2011. №2. – с.25-29.
11. Параняк Р.П. Загальна характеристика природних сорбентів та їх використання у промисловості та сільському господарстві / Параняк Р.П., Мацуська О.В., Романець М.М. // Сільський господар. – 2008. №5/6. – с.38-42.
12. Подорван Н.И. Удаление соединений фосфора из сточных вод / Подорван Н.И., Глоба Л.И., Куликов Н.И. // Химия и технология воды. – 2005. – № 1. – С. 591-606.

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FOOD RESOURCES 2016. Issue N 7. Article 28

28. Electro-physical properties of magnesium citrate (3:2) aqueous solution
O. Zaslavskyi, O. Kozych, N. Kozych, A. Kustovska, O. Velikanov
Pages: 196-204
Purpose: The great importance for metabolic processes has such element as magnesium. There are different forms of ingress of magnesium to the human body. One of the most effective forms is magnesium citrate. Active using of magnesium citrate as food additive and pharmacological drug demands perfect knowledge and researches of its physicochemical properties and also the effect on human body. The world scientific literature describes two ways of combination of magnesium with citrate-ion. The first, when one magnesium cation is connected with one citrate-ion (1:1). The second one, when 3 magnesium cations are connected with 2 citrate-ions - magnesium citrate (3:2), trimagnesium dicitrate or trimagnesium citrate. The behavior of such compounds hasn’t been researched. The purpose of this study has been to research electrophysical properties of magnesium citrate (3:2) aqueous solutions. Methods: The behavior of magnesium citrate in the aqueous solutions with different concentration has been by the methods of atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS), conductometry and ionometry researched.For the research has been used the powder of magnesium citrate, which has been obtained by the method of aquananotechnology with gross-formula C12H10Mg3O14·14H2O. Results: Identified content of magnesium in analyzed solution has been 0,86 mg/l. In considering of dilution which has been made, it is ascertained the gross-formula of the substance and that 1g of given powder of magnesium citrate contains 86 mg of magnesium (8,6%). The medium of all researched solutions has been weak-acid, near-neutral. By the dilution of the initial solution pH value increases and then decreases to pH of bidistilled water. Value of molar conductivity at infinitely dilution for the magnesium citrate solution has been 534.32 S·cm2/mol, that points at the presence of large quantity of multi-charged particles. Discussion: As the result of the experiment by the method of atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) the gross-formula of magnesium citrate C12H10Mg3O14·14H2O, which has been obtained by the method of aquananotechnology, has been corroborated in practice. It is ascertained, that the salt is not very soluble in water, forms weakacid solutions and is dissociable into the large quantity of multi-charged particles.
Keywords: magnesium citrate; molar conductivity; pH; electrolytic dissociation
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8. Buldakov, A.S. 2003. Food additives: handbook. St-Petersburg, Ut. 436p. (in Russian).
9. US patents 4959222, Karl J. Nadland et al, “Magnesium additive for nutrients, feed, and medicaments”, issued 1990-Sept-25.
10. UA patent for utility model No. 38391, Kosinov M.V., Kaplunenko V.H., “Method of obtaining metal carboxylates “Nanotechnology of obtaining carboxylates of matals“, issued 2009-Jun-12 (in Ukrainian).
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FOOD RESOURCES 2016. Issue N 7. Article 29

29. Microbial profile of fungal kefir starter
V. Gudyma, K. Kopylova, O. Naumenko
Pages: 205-209
A study of the microbial composition of starter cultures produced using kefir grains from different regions of Ukraine. It was found that the kefir grains were characterized by the specific structure of the microbiota, which was presented by microorganisms of different taxonomic groups. It has been shown that kefir fungi present the most common genera of lactic acid bacteria, such as: Lactococcus, Leuconostoc, Lactobacillus and type Streptococcus thermophilus. The dominant microflora were coccoid mesophilic and thermophilic lactic acid bacteria. The presence of such obligatory components of kefir fungi, as aceti bacteria, yeasts, is set. A specific feature of all fungal kefir starter cultures was the presence of propionic acid bacteria. The absence of coliform bacteria and mold, which indicates the purity of the epidemiological kefir grains. It is shown that fungal kefir starter with a more diverse microbial profile characterized by the best organoleptic characteristics.
Keywords: kefir fungi microbiota, lactic acid bacteria, acetic acid bacteria, propionic acid bacteria, yeast.
1. Chena H.C. Microbiological study of lactic acid bacteria in kefir grains by culturedependent and culture-independent methods / H.C. Chena, S.Y. Wanga, M.Y. Chena // Food Microbiol. – 2008. – Vol. 25. – P. 492-501.
2. Garrote G.L., Preservation of kefir grains, a comparative study / G.L. Garrote, A.G. Abraham, G.L. De Antoni // Lebensm-Wiss Technol. 1997. – Vol.30. – P. 77-844.
3. Marguina D. Dietary influence of kefir on microbial activities in the mouse bowel / D. Marguina, A. Santos, S. Corpas et al // Lett.Appl.Microbiol. – 2002. Vol. 35. – P. 136-140.
4. Marshall V.M. Methods for making kefir and fermented milks based on kefir / V.M. Marshall, W.M. Cole // J.Dairy Res. – 1985. – Vol. 52. – P. 451-456.
5. Muir D.D. Comparison of the sensory profiles of kefir, buttermilk and yogurt / D.D. Muir, A.Y.Tamime, M. Wszolek // Int.J. Dairy Technol. – 1999. – Vol. 52. – P. 129-134.
6. Liu J.R. Production of kefir from soymilk with or without added glucose, lactose or sucrose / J.R.Liu, C.W. Lin // J. Food Sci. – 2000. – Vol. 65. – P. 716-719.
7. Otles S. Kefir a probiotic dairy composition, nutritional and therapeutic aspects / S. Otles, O. Cagindi // P.J. Nutr. – 2003. – Vol. 2. – P. 49-54.
8. Gorski D. Kefir 21st century yogurt? / D. Gorski // Dairy Foods. – 1994. – Vol. 95. – P. 49.

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FOOD RESOURCES 2016. Issue N 7. Article 30

30. The effect of the use of flax seed meal in breadmaking industry
V. Drobot, O. Igevska, O. Tesla, J. Bondarenko
Pages: 210-213
The article discusses the chemical composition of flax seed meal. It has been indicated that the fermentation intensity of dough, its rheological properties and the quality of bread are decreased with its use. When adding to the recipe of bread with flax seed meal dry wheat gluten, malt products, the quality of bread becomes better, it is enriched with proteins and fiber.
Key words: flax seed meal, bread, quality, proteins, fiber
1. Концепція державної політики в галузі харчування населення України [Електронний ресурс] / А. Григоренко, І. Солоненко – Режим доступу: httр://www.сulір.соm.uа/m/m_hlthrtсt_hаrсh_u.html.
2. Васильченко, А.И. Состояние и перспективы развития хлебопекарной промышленности в Украине // Харчова наука і технологія. – 2009. – № 1. – С. 5-8.
3. Barthet, J.V. Antioxidant activity of flax seed meal components / J.V. Barthet, D.Klensporf-Pavlik, R. Prybylski // Canadian Journal of Plant Science. – 2014. – № 94 (3). – S. 593-602.
4. Гаркуша, С.Л. Наукове обґрунтування заходів профілактики ускладнень метаболічного синдрому шляхом використання у раціоні харчування шротів: автореф. дис. … канд. мед. наук: 14.02-01 , С.Л. Гаркуша, К., 2016 – 19 с.
5. Лабораторний практикум з технології хлібопекарського та макаронного виробництва: навч. посіб / В.І. Дробот, Л.Ю.Арсеньєва, О.А. Білик та ін.; за ред. В.І. Дробот. – К.: Центр навчальної літератури, 2006. – 341 с.

Line Kerivnictvo

FOOD RESOURCES 2016. Issue N 7. Article 31

31. Assessment of the situation and levels of monopoly power in the food industry markets
O. Kovalenko
Pages: 214-226
Actuality of the research is based on the facts that mergers and acquisitions of companies, as the legitimate processes of the modern market, promote rise of production efficiency and the formation of an advantageous market position. The article substantiates that unregulated processes of integration reduces the number of enterprises in the market, reduces competition, do not contribute to increase the country's production assets, cannot guarantee the introduction of new, more advanced technologies; very often do not provide for the creation of new jobs, but on the contrary lead to their reduction. The article has described the current state of development of the integrated formations, market operators of food industry, the level of monopoly power in these markets was also evaluated. Features of consolidation commodity markets of the dairy, meat, bakery, oil, confectionery, sugar and alcoholic beverage have been disclosed. It was noted that the aggravation of market competition forces manufacturers of large companies to update the basic means of production and product range, involving significant financial resources in the process. At the same time, manufactures of food products in the holdings is not always their core activity, but a consequence of diversification, that gives them possibilities to prevent of financial risks and to invest available funds into the production for ensuring of commercial needs of monopolies.
Keywords: food industry, corporations, companies, mergers and acquisitions, competition
1. Баюра Д.О. Система корпоративного управління в Україні: стан та перспективи розвитку / Д.О. Баюра – К.: ВПЦ Київський ун-т, 2009. – 288 с.
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FOOD RESOURCES 2016. Issue N 7. Article 32

32. The formation and development of the market of raw meat in Ukraine
I. Vlasenko
Pages: 227-232
The present state of meat production in Ukraine is investigated according to the types of raw materials and categories of farms, the state of export and import as well as the main producers of this type of products are considered. The main problems of the industry are highlighted and ways of their overcoming in modern conditions of management are outlined.
Key words: meat production, purchasing power of the population, meat consumption, households, agricultural enterprises, export, import of meat
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