FOOD RESOURCES 2014. Issue N 3. Technical sciences. Article 09

09. Raw materials for manufacturing potato chips
O. Lysohor, V. Kovbasa, T. Kupriianova
Pages: 40-43
At a time of constant growth rate of life have become increasingly popular foods that do not require additional culinary processing, including fried potato foods – potato chips, whose quality is largely dependent on the quality of raw materials – the potato The range of products is constantly expanding. In many developed countries, an increase in consumption of potato processing. In modern conditions of production plays a significant role potato variety as a factor in technological properties. Targeted use of potato varieties is due to a combination of specific characteristics and properties of fundamental importance, which form tubers with well-defined quality parameters. Therefore to obtain a high quality grade primary role to play.
Keywords: potato, potato foods, potato chips
1. Дерев’янко О., Лагода Т. Організація міні-виробництва чіпсів // Пропозиція. – 2001. – № 12. – С. 89-91.
2. Картопля / За ред. А.А. Бондарчука, М.Я. Полоцького, В.С. Куценка. – Біла Церква, 2007. – Т. 3. – 536 с.
3. Кожушко Н.С., Гончаров М.Д. Технологічна оцінка картоплі на придатність до промислової переробки // Картоплярство – 2000. – К.: Нора-Прінт. – Вип. 30. – С. 51-60.
4. Маленко І.М., Дуда В.В., Царенко М.І. Сучасний стан і перспективи розвитку картоплепереробної галузі в Україні // Картоплярство. – К., 1999. – Вип. 29. – С. 27-35.
5. Методические рекомендации по специализированной оценке сортов картофеля. – Минск, 2003. – 70 с.

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FOOD RESOURCES 2014. Issue N 3. Technical sciences. Article 10

10. Research of hygroscopic properties of multicomponent mixtures with coffee and tea
K. Rubanka, V. Terletska, I. Zinchenko
Pages: 44-46
The article is devoted to the study of the hygroscopic properties of multicomponent mixtures with a basis of coffee and tea, namely: the ability to absorb and give moisture at different values of relative humidity and pressure. The structural pore characteristics of the test samples were examined. On the basis of these studies the storage conditions of multicomponent mixtures based on coffee and tea were proposed. The obtained results give the possibility to adjust the technological process of food production with the use of multicomponent mixtures based on coffee and tea.
Key words: multicomponent mixture with coffee and tea, sorption – desorption, hygroscopic
1. Поликомпонентые концентраты для функциональных напитков / Филонова Г.Л., Осипова В.П., Гришковский Б.А. [и др.] // Пиво и напитки. – 2011. – № 10. – С. 10-14.
2. Кисличенко, В.С. Лекарственные растения – источники минеральных веществ /В.С. Кисличенко // Провизор. – 1999. – № 20. – С. 19-21.
3. Дубинин М. М. «Адсорбция и пористость», – M. : Изд. ВАХЗ, 1972. – 208 с.
4. Рег С. Адсорбция, удельная поверхность, пористость / С. Рег, К. Синг; [пер. с англ.], 2-е изд. – М.: Мир, 1984. – 306 с.

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FOOD RESOURCES 2014. Issue N 3. Technical sciences. Article 11

11. Effect of “freshness K +” complex baking improver on the shelf life duration of bread products
E. Khalikova, O. Bilyk, V. Bondar
Pages: 47-51
A complex baking improver "freshness K +" is invented to extend the life of bread wheat. This complex is designed with food additives that have the status of GRAS, it contains new raw material – bean powder. A technological scheme of production of bean powder is developed. The influence of each component of the CBI "freshness K +" on the quality of finished products during storage is studied and set to the optimal dosage for additives production. According to a complex indicator of the quality, the optimal dosage of CBI "freshness K +" is set, which is 2% by weight of flour.
Key words: bean powder, complex baking improver, extension of shelf life
1. Чи потрібні хлібобулочним виробам нетрадиційні добавки / М. Дудкін, Г. Козлов, О. Данилова, Т. Сагайдак, Т. Качан // Журнал хлібопекарська і кондитерська промисловість України. – 2005. – № 3. – С. 29-30.
2. Про перспективи і проблеми використання квасолі у виробництві січених напівфабрикатів / Ю.О. Лукомський, Л.В.Молоканова // Журнал продукты & ингредиенты. – 2012. – № 7. – С. 58-59.
3. Дробот В.И. Использование нетрадиционного сырья в хлебопекарной промышленности. – К.: Урожай, 1988. – 152 с.
4. Ферментные препараты в хлебопечении / Сидораев В.В. // Журнал хлебопродукты. – 2002. – № 3. – С. 20–21.
5. Матвеева И.В., Белявская И.Г. Пищевые добавки и хлебопекарные улучшители в производстве мучних изделий. – М.: Телер, 1998. – 99 с.
6. Дробот В.І. Технологія хлібопекарського виробництва. – К.: Логос, 2002. – 365 с.
7. Лабораторний практикум з технології хлібопекарського та макаронного виробництва: навч. посіб. / Дробот В.І., Арсеньєва Л.Ю., Білик О.А., Доценко В.Ф. і ін. – К.: Центр навчальної літератури, 2006. – 341 с.

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FOOD RESOURCES 2014. Issue N 3. Technical sciences. Article 12

12. Directions of use of scab resistant cultivars of apple
Yu. Honcharuk
Pages: 52-56
The author has researched marketable and consumer qualities of the present day scab resistant apple cultivars, content of the main organic substances in them. The apples of ’Topaz’, ’Freedom’, ’Gold Rush’, ’Imant’, ’Florina’ have appeared to be the most storeable ones. Besides, the author presents the results of studying the directions of using the ecologically safe apple products. For instance, the fruits of ’Amulet’, ’Imant’, ’Topaz’, ’Gold Rus’ are used universally, ’Florina’, ’Vitos’, and ’Syabrina’ as fresh, ’Nadzyeina’, ’Remo’, ’Revena’, ’Reglindis’ and ’Retina’ for different types of technical processing.
Key words: apple, scab resistant cultivars, marketable and consumer fruits quality, storing ability, proper use, ecologically safe products
1. Кондратенко Т.Є. Роль сортів у формуванні стабільних урожаїв екологічно здорових і дешевих яблук універсального призначення / Т.Є. Кондратенко, Т.І. Войток // Садівництво. – К.: СПД «Жителєв С.І.», 2009. – Вип. 62. – С. 14-20.
2. Седов Е.Н. Селекция и новые сорта яблони / Е. Н. Седов. – Орел : ВНИИСПК, 2011. – 622 с.
3. Кондратенко Т.Є. Імунні сорти – це високі врожаї і екологічно чиста продукція / Т.Є. Кондратенко. // Сад, виноград і вино України. – 1999. – № 2. – С. 16-17.
4. Савельев Н.И. Перспективные иммунные к парше сорта яблони / Н.И. Савельев, Н.Н. Савельева, А.Н. Юшков. – Мичуринск-наукоград РФ, 2009. – 125 с.
5. Программа и методика сортоизучения плодовых, ягодных и орехоплодных культур / Под ред. Е.Н. Седова, Т.П.Огольцовой. – Орел: Изд-во Всероссийского научно- исследовательского института селекции плодовых культур, 1999. – 608 с.
6. Методика оцінки якості плодово-ягідної продукції / П.В. Кондратенко, Л.М. Шевчук, Л.М. Левчук. – Київ, 2008. – 79 с.
7. Доспехов Б.А. Методика полевого опыта / Б.А. Доспехов. – М.: Колос, 1979. – С. 186-195.
8. Blažek J. Vields and Fruit Quality of 50 apple cultivars grown or tested in commercial orchards of the Czech Republic // Perspectives in European Fruit Growing: International Conf. – 2006. – P. 46-52.
9. Sansavini S. Advances in apple breeding for enhanced fruit quality and resistance to biotic stresses of new varieties for the European market / S. Sansavini, F. Donati, F. Costa, S. Tartarini // Journal of Fruit and Ornamental Plant Research, 2004. – Vol.12 (special ed.). – P. 14-51.

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FOOD RESOURCES 2014. Issue N 3. Technical sciences. Article 13

13. Effect of storage temperature on the quality parameters of thermoacid cheese with cultivation of cheese mass
H. Kalmykova
Pages: 58-62
This article describes the results of research the storage process thermoacid cheese with fermentation a cheese mass at different temperatures. The temperature and the shelf-life investigated of the finished product. Rational modes established of storage the thermoacid cheese with fermentation a cheese mass. During research determined that low temperatures storage slowed down the process of accumulation in cheese fractions of total soluble nitrogen by 20%, non-protein fractions soluble nitrogen – by 38% and free aminoacids by 40%, respectively. Summing up results obtained of research, we can conclude that the thermoacid cheese with fermentation a cheese mass can be stored without significant changes in its quality parameters at a temperature from 4°C to 8°C for up to 15 days. Further the storage up to 28 days and causes to a deterioration of taste and flavor of the finished product. Most rational mode is the storage up to 28 days at a temperature of from 0°C to 4°C.
Key words: thermoacid cheese, storage, temperature, shelf-life investigated, quality parameters, finished product
1. Гудков А В. Сыроделие: технологические, биологические и физико-химические аспекты / А.В. Гудков; под ред. С.А.Гудкова. – [2-е изд.]. – М.: ДеЛи принт, 2003. – 800 с.
2. Шиллер Г.Г. Производство сыра: технология и качество / Пер. с фр. Богомолова Б.Ф.; под ред. Шиллера Г.Г. – М.: Агропромиздат, 1989. – 496 с.
3. Николаев А.М. Технология сыра / А.М. Николаев. – [4-е изд.]. – М.: Агропромиздат, 1985. – 327 с.
4. Инихов Г.С. Методы анализа молока и молочных продуктов / С.Г. Инихов, Н.П. Брио. – М.: Пищевая промышленность, 1971. – 425 с.
5. Жарикова Г.Г. Микробиология продовольственных товаров. Санитария и гигиена / Г.Г. Жарикова. – М.: Из-во «Академия (Academia)», 2007. – 304 с.
6. Ильяшенко Н.Г. микробиология пищевых производств / Н.Г. Ильяшенко, Е.А. Бетева, Т.В. Пигучина, А.В. Ильяшенко. – М. : Колос, 2008. – 412 с.
7. Раманаускас Р.Й. Хранение при температурах близких к криоскопическим и его качество / Р.Й. Раманаускас // Молочная промышленность. – 1984. – № 7. – С. 13-16.
8. Усов А.В. Исследования и разработка технологии низкотемпературного хранения сыров: автореф. дис. к.т.н. – Кемерово. – 1998. – 18 с.

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FOOD RESOURCES 2014. Issue N 3. Technical sciences. Article 14

14. Research of storage efficiency of cheese Pecherskiy
M. Stepanyshchev
Pages: 63-67
Temperature is the main factor that adjusts the intensity of the mold, the main factor of biochemical changes in cheese with mold. The dependence of changes in physico-chemical, biochemical, rheological and organoleptic properties of cheese Pecherskiy of temperature during storage. Studies have shown that lowering the storage temperature cheese hampers change its physicochemical and biochemical parameters, but can not stop it completely, indicating active proteolysis and lipolysis during storage.
Key words: cheese Pecherskiy, storage, organoleptic characteristics, rheology characteristics
1. Singer S. The history and Processing of cheese / S. Singer. – Charleston: Bazaar Press, 2011. – 256 p.
2. Tamime A Y. Processed cheese and analogues / A.Y. Tamime. – New York: John Wiley and Sons, 2011. – 368 p.
3. Law B.A. Technology of cheesemaking / B.A. Law, A.Y. Tamime. – New York: John Wiley and Sons, 2011. – 512 p.
4. Thom C. The book of cheese / C. Thom, W. Fisk. – Carlisle : Applewood books, 2007. – 420 p.
5. Hui Y.H. Handbook of Animal-Based Fermented Food and Beverage Technology, Second Edition / Y.H. Hui, E.Ö. Evranuz. – Boca Raton: CRC Press. – 2012. – 814 p.
6. Von Weissenfluh A. The effect of environmental conditions in the ripening room on the growth of Penicillium camemberti and the quality of Camembert cheese / A. von Weissenfluh, Z. Puhan // Schweiz. Milchwitschaft Forsch. – 1987. – Vol. 16. – P. 37-44.
7. Brown B. The complete book of cheese / B. Brown. – Teddington: Echo Library, 2006. – 268 p.
8. Temperature and relative humidity influence the microbial and physicochemical characteristics of Camembert-type cheese ripening / M.N. Leclercq-Perlat, M. Sicard, I.C. Trelea [etc.] // Journal of Dairy Science. – 2012. – Vol. 95. – P. 4666-4682.
9. The effect of elevated temperature on ripening of Dutch type cheese / V. Pachlová, F. Buňka, R. Flasarová [etc.] // Food Chemistry. – 2012. – Vol. 132. – P. 1846-1854.

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FOOD RESOURCES 2014. Issue N 3. Technical sciences. Article 15

15. Some of technological aspects of manufacturing sour-cream butter
O. Bodnarchuk, Yu. Maiboroda, H. Yeresko, N. Kihel
Pages: 68-72
Technology of production of sour-cream butter with the use of new bacterial culture are scientifically grounded. Influence of bacterial culture on the indexes of quality of sour-cream butter is studed and compared to his analogues of the imported production. Is it well-proven that introduction of bacterial ferment in an amount 3,5-5% depending on acidity of ferment 90-105ºТ on the stage of forming of structure of product provides high organoleptic indexes of product. This product is competitive and does not enter on microbiological, physical and chemical and to biochemical indexes it is shown.
Key words: sour-cream butter, bacterial preparation, lactic acid bacteria, acidity, diacetyl, volatile organic acids
1. Лукащук А. Как совместить приятное с полезным, или натуральность превыше всего //Молочное дело. – 2007 – № 2 – С.36-37.
2. Вишемирский Ф.А. Масло из «сливок» // Сыроделие и маслоделие – 2006 – № 1 – С. 25-28.
3. Степаненко П.П. Микробиология молока и молочных продуктов – Сергиев Посад:ООО «Все для Вас –Подмосковье», 1999. – 415 с.
4. Боднарчук О.В., Король О.В., Савчук А.І., Кігель Н.Ф. Особливості конструювання заквашувальних композицій для виробництва кисловершкового масла // Збірник наукових праць. Випуск 20. – М.: Кам.-Подільськ. – 2012. – С. 101-105.
5. Степанова Л.И. Справочник технолога молочного производства. Технология и рецептуры. Т. 2. Масло коровье и комбинированное. – С-Пб.: Гиорд, 2003. – 336 с.
6. Инихов Г.С., Брио Н.П. Методы анализа молока и млочных продуктов. – М.: «Пищев. пром.». – 1971. – С. 132-133.

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FOOD RESOURCES 2014. Issue N 3. Technical sciences. Article 16

16. Comparison study of the rheological parameters of mixtures used to manufacture ice creams on the milk base
H. Polishchuk, V. Martych, L. Matsko
Pages: 73-78
The comparative analysis of separate rheological descriptions of suckling mixtures is conducted with different content of fat, that contain the stabilizing system Cremodan SE 406 and a flour is a wheat. A high capacity is set for proceeding in effective viscidity of the maximum destroyed structure of mixtures for the production of ice-cream. Expediency of application of the stabilizing system Cremodan SE 406 for effective structuring and stabilizing of mixtures for an ice-cream. It is set that a low-fat ice-cream is characterized the most subzero degree of structuring and proceeding in destroyed structure, that leads to the necessity of improvement of him chemical composition.
Keywords: mix, ice cream, the effective viscosity stabilizer
1. Sommer H.H. The theory and practice of ice cream making / H.H. Sommer. – [2th Edn.] – Madison: University of Wisconsin, 1935. – 639 p.
2. Marshall R.T. Ice Cream / R.T. Marshall, H.D. Goff and R.W. Hartel. – [6th Edn.] – New York: Kluwer Academic, ISBN 0-306-47700-9, 2003. – 366 p.
3. Оленев Ю.А. Справочник по производству мороженого / Ю.А. Оленев, А.А. Творогова, Н.В. Казакова, Л.Н. Соловьева – М.: ДеЛи принт, 2004. – 798 с.
4. Косой В.Д. Контроль качества молочных продуктов методами физико-химической механики / В.Д. Косой, М.Ю.Меркулов, С Б. Юдина. – С-Пб.: ГИОРД, 2005. – 208 с.

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